Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx and Communism

Communism was the idea of Karl Marx who didn't like the idea of Industrial Revolution so he created Communism everywhere. Karl Marx thought this was a better idea and better way for the society. He thought that people weren't getting enough pay. Communism gave everyone the same pay no matter what job they had. By doing this he wanted everyone to be even, nobody could own their own land or property.
Some people liked this idea and other didn't. Communism helped mostly the
people who weren't getting the right pay and who deserved a better one. In the Industrial Revolution the workers would work hard but the owners would get a better pay. He wanted this idea to spread for everything to be better for the workers. Karl Marx
believed that the workers were the good guys because they worked hard for little pay. While the bad guys were the ones who owned the factories. Karl Marx believed this because the owners took charge and didn't work as hard but still got paid more. Karl Marx idea for Communism is still going on till this day in some countries. It did work out fine for some countries but not all.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Karl Marx and The Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx felt that the Industrial Revolution wasn't a great idea. He did not like the way the workers were being treated and how the factories were unsafe. Karl Marx did not support the Industrial Revolution at all. Since the factories were all unsafe and harsh, Marx fought to get the right for workers to be the ones to control the factories not the landlords. Karl Marx wanted the Industrial Revolution to work in a whole different way but what he wanted more was for it to be safe at least. Karl Marx also didn't like the idea of children working in the factories with them getting no breaks. While the children should be getting an education they are at factories that weren't safe and working. Also while working so many hours they didn't get payed much. The landlords got all the luxury while the people who worked hard and many hours didn't, which wasn't fair. Karl Marx didn't like this anymore and invented Communism. Where everyone would share the money that was being earned. They would all earn the same no matter what their job was and Karl Marx thought that was a better way to have the society going. Karl Marx had his own idea and opinion like everyone else. There were some that agreed and some that didn't, Karl Marx was one that did not agree and made Communism.